There have been a few discussions/articles floating around of late concerning professional identity and branding.
This came through my feed last night - Building your professional presence
I don't think too hard about how I come across to people on my networks. However, I do try to remain professional even when putting slightly personal things out there. I suppose in the social media sense, I have a line that I try not to cross.
That said, with this blog I mix it up between professional and personal. And honestly, I find at times when I'm trying to write something along the lines of being professional, I don't regard my writing ability to be professional. You see that last sentence probably didn't even make sense.
I follow a lot of blogs by fellow library professionals and I am continually floored at how well some people manage to put their thoughts/arguments/opinions out there. I try to do that but more than often my words get caught up and I possibly don't make much sense.
I also try to find interesting things to discuss on this blog and share articles on interest on Twitter. But I think that there are people out there that are much better at this professional identity/branding thing than I am - possibly because as I said before, I don't think too hard about it.
I suppose with me, I am what I am and I try hard not to be someone I'm not so you can often tell when I'm trying too hard! Again you are possibly lost at what I just said!!
You see that is my main problem - forming a post that actually makes sense. When I'm exercising I often come up with some really good posts (ok I think they are good) and then when I sit down to write them, I'm at a loss.
It could be that I do posts in the morning which means I'm rushed for time - but as a mother and full time working, when am I not rushed for time.
Regardless, the article mentioned above does make you stop and think about your professional networks and how you come across to others. So I recommend you have a read and then think about your own professional networks and whether you do have an identity or brand that you try to put out there.
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