Just a quick post as I just saw this article and thought I have a bit to say.
Children turning their backs on TV
This article goes on to say " The ABS also found more children were taking up dancing and martial arts, with 27 per cent more pursuing an interest in dancing.
The number taking to the netball court fell 8 per cent, although netball still remains in the top three most popular sports for kids between 11 and 12.
Swimming remains the most popular activity for kids between five and 11."
If you click on the link to the ABS publication 4901.0.55.001 - Children's Participation in Sport and Leisure Time Activities, 2003 - 2012 then you will find no reference to reading. I thought reading was a leisure time activity. So where do you find the information about children and their reading habits?
This special article in the ABS 2012 Yearbook does discuss children and reading but it doesn't really provide statistics.
In my opinion it would've been great - being this year was the National Year of Reading - that some statistics had been found prior to the National Year of Reading so that some comparison could've been done on the completion of the National Year of Reading to show the true impact.
Has it resulted in improvement in the number of children reading - while not the main reason behind the National Year of Reading it is still interesting to note?
Has reading been raised in people's consciousness? Was this a result of the National Year of Reading?
Are more people reading due to the National Year of Reading?
Anyway, just some random thoughts that this article prompted.
What are your thoughts?
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