I got a set of Destiny Cards from my work Secret Santa and my word for today from the Destiny Cards is Sincerity!!
I thought I might use these cards as a prompt for what to post about. But since the meaning of Sincerity is: The quality or condition of being sincere; genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity. It may be a little deep for a morning post. I'll try another word tomorrow.
Some of you may have read my "half post" from last night about the passing of one of my dear readers/borrowers. Yesterday did have some fun moments to make up for that awfully sad one.
We had work Secret Santa - which I mentioned above. With our Secret Santa you nominate to particpate and you draw a name out of a hat of a fellow worker - as we a small organisation it is organisation wide not just libraries - and I am the only library staff member that participates. So I often pick people that I don't know very well which can make the gift buying difficult.
The rules of gift buying are simple - a limit of $10.
Usually if you know the person well you can find something fun or buy something and then make it fun. For example, one year my car kept breaking down so my Secret Santa bought me a car care kit with screw driver, sponge, and car washing detergent. Another example was from last year when some clever Secret Santa re-wrote a Dr Suess book for me - I may share this on a later post.
Needless to say, yesterday afternoon had a lot of laughter as our "Santa" handed gifts out and each participant has to read the card/poem/instructions out to everyone.
It was a nice way to finish up an otherwise sad day!
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