Anyway, I was umming and aaahhing about what to blog about this morning, so I thought, since it's coming up to Christmas, often it means that libraries start to slow down. Ok, not public libraries as they start to offer school holiday programs, but I do remember my days in an academic library and Christmas was always a time to tidy things up or shift things around. Mainly because there was less students around so less disruption to them.
Where I work, all the branches are closed on Monday's. I don't want it to be this way but it is so I work with it. My other staff do not work Monday's but I do (although the public always tell me that it is so good that I get Monday's off - I do try to correct them but they think that there is no work to do in a library when it is closed). So this is what brings me to - the best library is an empty one.
For me Monday's are my catch up day. I can plough through my "to do" list in record time without interuptions. I can fix any public computer problems because I'm not disturbing anyone. I can weed collections without having anyone look over my shoulder. But best of all I can have quiet time!!
Some may question that working in a library should be pretty quiet anyway. Those working in public libraries will understand that this is not the case. While we don't let noise get to a disruptive level, there is always the quiet chatter, the tapping of keyboard keys, the hum of staff talking to library users. So on Monday's there is none of that. There is also no interuptions!!
So on Monday's I allow myself the thought of the best library is an empty one!! But of course, on every other day the best library is a full one!!

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