Monday, June 30, 2014

Appointments/meetings/schedules #blogjune #30 #final

Today's mantra and the final one for June: Your workouts are important meetings you've scheduled with yourself.  Don't cancel them.

This is one thing I have no problem with - being consistent and motivated to workout!  Even when there is ice on my windscreen and on the ground - I will still get out there and run around the oval or run in the very very fresh air.  While this motivation for me maybe a bit left of center and based around transforming myself - there is nothing wrong with it!!

Blogging on the other hand is probably something that requires a bit more scheduling as does meditation, reflection and evaluation.

With exercise I have clearly defined statistics/facts that I can record and monitor.  But how does one do this in a work situation of your own work - the work that can't be quantified?  How do you reflect?  What questions do you ask yourself when going through the reflection process or the evaluation process?  Do you meditate, and if you do, how do you do it?

I think these are areas I need to work on.  My manager advised me to start the day positive.  Ask the universe for a good day.  And when I run on the beach or the sun rises up, I do try to stop for a moment and look towards the rising sun and thank the universe for the beauty that I am witnessing and ask that it be a good day!  It's a start!

This brings #blogjune to an end.  Thanks to those that have been readers for the month. Thanks to those that have made comments and encouraged me to keep coming up with things to write each day.  Thanks for the positive and encouraging words.

I believe the next "official" blogging activity is #blog12daysxmas but I have a conference coming up in November that I'm sure to Tweet and do some reflective blogging.  I also have a Reference and Readers Services meeting happening in August which I really should spend some time reflecting on and really should dedicate some time after reading professional journals etc to do a reflective post. You regular readers, remind me to do this!!  Give me a kick up the bum!!

And I really should blog after my fun runs/races.  Coming up:

  • 27 July - Ipswich Park2Park Half Marathon (21.1km)
  • 31 August - Misty Mountain Trail Run (20km)
  • 7 September - Coffs Harbour Running Festival Half Marathon (21.1km)
  • 12 October - Washpool Trail Run (not sure on distance yet)
  • 2 November - Grafton or Armidale Fun Run 10km
  • 23 November - Dorrigo Show Fun Run (not sure on distance
And any others that come up!!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Double Post Sunday or I was too busy drinking last night #blogjune #28 and #29

Ok, ok, yes I had a few drinks last night and I was too busy listening to tunes to write a blog post - but I'm here now!!

A cold start to the morning - thank goodness for the sleep in.

Yesterday was a brilliant day - well the morning and afternoon were - forget the grocery shopping in the middle as that is never brilliant!

Yes it was a cold start to the day (but not as cold as Friday morning) as we headed down to Nambucca Heads to a place called Jacks Ridge to do a 10km trail run.  I decided it would be good to try out the Camelback hydration pack that mum and dad had kindly given to me back in April.

The track is actually a mountain bike track.  Well maintained and a lot of fun.  Each part of the trail has a name - we started in the Rollercoaster (you can guess that it was basically up and down hills), then the squashed banana (not sure on that one), others were Lost Luggage, Found Your Suitcase, Boris (big log that you ride/run over), Mechanical Advantage etc.  These names made the run a bit more fun because you could discuss what you thought the name was alluding to or how the track would be laid out.

It is a good run for a group that has different paced runners, because the trail goes back on itself numerous times and you can pull of at any time and follow the main road back to the car park.

I had a great time and got warmed up after a while but cooled down quickly once I stopped running.  Basically it was a coolish morning but it warmed up to a lovely day.

Yesterday's mantra: Don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams.

At the moment I'm feeling very pushed. I have things that I "have" to do in order to keep doing something (can't go into great detail here) but it isn't really something I "dream" of doing.  I've lost my passion for it and feel cheated that I am now having to do something in order to prove I know what I'm doing and keep doing what I do.  This thing has a deadline and it feels very unachievable at the moment and really is stressing me out.  I'm trying really hard to focus on positives and tell myself that I will get it done - but am just not feeling it.

I'm also sick of my mindset of self loathing.  Which leads into today's mantra: Turn "I wish" into "I will."  Instead of wishing I was happy with myself and the hard work I've done so far to get here, turn it into I will be happy or I am happy!!

Also my "I wish I was doing a full marathon" is going to be a "I will do a full marathon" and I am doing a full marathon - as soon as I know which one!!

Tomorrow sees the last post of #blogjune.  I will sort of miss it but not enough to continue it as consistently (or inconsistently) as I have been.  I think the process of evaluation and reflection are good practices and perhaps it is something I need to do more often especially on my professional life.  I'm still struggling to find my mojo in library world but perhaps more reflection is the way to go.  We will see how I feel once #blogjune is finished - you may see me pop on here a bit more often.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Putting it all out there #blogjune #27

Rather than set myself up for another double post - I decided to get in early.  Although my fingers are having a bit of trouble doing what my brain is telling them to do this morning - too cold!!

Today was bootcamp fitness test day and I'm going to put some stuff out there to show why I remain motivated.  I must admit, it's a little bit daunting putting this sort of info out there - but I'm proud of my transformation and I'm still a work in progress!

Ok so last month my stats were:
Weight: 70.4kg
Fat: 34.5%
Muscle mass kgs: 43.8kg

This month:
Weight: 71.6kg - yes freaked me out when it went up, especially since I have cut back the M&M's
Fat: 33.9%
Muscle mass kgs: 44.9kg

So I know that there are some studies that say that muscle does not weigh more than fat - but I'm not so sure.  My clothes have not become tighter and I'm looking more toned then ever - so I think the 1kg or so weight gain is down to muscle gain.  Anyway, it took me a few days (ok I'm kidding, I'm still a bit torn up about it) to get over the scale going up.  But I'm really working on not caring about the weight and focusing on the fat percentage and muscle mass!

Now some other comparisons:
Number of push ups in 30 seconds last month: 30 (that's on my toes) this month: 32.
Number of sit ups in 30 seconds last month: 28, this month 28.

Now let's go back to September 2013 when I last did this 2.4km fitness test.
Weight: 77.1kg
Fat: 38%
Muscle mass: 45.3kg
Number of push ups: 22 (on toes) 4 on knees
Number of sit ups: 25
2.4km fitness test time: 12.08

Today's 2.4km fitness test time: 11.36

Now let's go back to this time last year - 12 months ago:
Weight: 80.7kg
Fat: 40.6%
Muscle: 45.5kg
Number of push ups: 23 (on toes) 4 knees
Number of sit ups: 23

They might seem like little gains to some, but they are big gains for me.  Little steps means I'm more likely to stick to the program, and more likely to maintain the changes rather than a drastic change.

Today's mantra is: If you don't make mistakes you're not really trying.

If you don't try, and sometimes it takes a bit for it to work, then you won't move forward!

Double up Thursday #blogjune #25 and #26

This double up thing is starting to be a trend and it almost turned into a triple up because I'm really not in the right frame of mind to post tonight.

I've had one of those days.  It started off well with a good run with some lovely company in the freezing cold.  We ventured through the streets of town and my map on my GPS running log looked a lot like a drawing by Mr Squiggle.  We went up streets we hadn't been on before and discovered that our little town has more hills then we thought.

I then tried to warm up with rolled oats and honey and a hot milo.  How do you warm up at breakfast?

Off to work and I was to take a councillor on a tour of our libraries to talk about challenges we are facing so they are equipped to lobby for us in council meetings and to assist us to push our agenda to senior staff.  It was a lovely day but mentally draining.  I had a lovely lunch at the Dorrigo Rainforest Centre.  It was a good day.

Then I returned to the branch at 4.30pm to a bit of a state and a last minute roster change.  Stress levels high and this continued into the evening with some catch up work in the second job and trying to change some calendar bookings that didn't want to work.

Deep breath and I've finished what I needed to do and am now pumping this out before I crawl to bed.

Let's not forget the mantras:

Every positive thought propels you in the right direction.  Yep, this is something I'm working on as sometimes I get bogged down in the negative and really positive thoughts can bring good to you!!  If you think the negative will happen, it will.

When it doubt, work out.  Umm, not the right time to throw a workout in at the moment but I do know that when I exercise at lunchtime and I've had a particularly challenging morning, then I do come back fresh and ready to tackle the rest of the day.  And yes, sometimes a run can provide the answers!!

Now to go to bed to rest up as tomorrow is FITNESS TEST DAY!!!  Each month at bootcamp we have a different fitness test - tomorrow's is the 2.4km run.  This requires us to run around the 400m oval 6 times.

Ok, if you get me to run in a straight line 2.4km for a time trial - yep no problem!!  But around in circles - ahhhh!!  It is a psychological thing for me and circles seem to make it seem oh so much longer!  But I will tackle it head on!  Goodnight!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Double Post Tuesday #blogjune #23 and #24

Aren't you lucky that tonight you get a double post?!?!

I was slack last night and didn't get a post out - actually I was working really hard at my second job, and then had to watch some of The Voice, so didn't get time.

Anyway, moving on.

Yesterday's mantra: Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.  Plan more than you can do, then do it.  I don't necessarily agree with this mantra, especially if it comes down to quality.  However, if it is about pushing yourself - then go for it!!

Today's mantra: You are what you eat so avoid anything fast, easy, cheap or fake.  Personally, I believe there are times when you need fast, easy, cheap and fake food - just not all the time!!

Are you enjoying the mantra's or are you tired of them?  I like them because sometimes they give me a spring board off which to write something.  Tonight they are not providing much inspiration - perhaps it's because I am very tired.

I am wearing two hats at work this week - my own hat and my managers hat while they are on leave.  This is making for a very interesting time.  I get into comfort zones of thinking everything is under control and then something comes out of left field and will throw me off.  But I have my manager standing on my shoulder whispering in my ear - "Just breathe, Sharon!!"

Acting in my managers role is a bit daunting.  I'm not that confident because I don't have a "big picture" view of what we are doing as a department - I know what the libraries are doing but not what my colleagues are doing in the other areas of our department.  I think this is something I'd like to chat about with my manager when she returns - how can I keep up with what is happening in our department - more team meetings, perhaps??!!  Not knowing what's happening can make me feel a little bit silly if someone asks me a question about something I probably should know.  You can't have your finger on every pulse - but I will try!!

The sunrise this morning was beautiful - did anyone see it?  We were on our run and saw the red sky coming out from behind the clouds over the ocean.  Beautiful!!  That's when I really like being up early in the cold running.  It's those moments!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Can't is not part of the vocab #blogjune #22

Today's mantra: Clear your mind of "can't."

Today I participated in the Urunga Fun Run facilitated by the Coffs Coast Little Athletics.  I did the 10k run (they had 2k, 5k and 10k).  While 10k is not really a long run for me anymore, in a "race" situation, it always is tough.  I run at a faster pace to what I would normally do and I get caught up in the "race" atmosphere.

However, there are plenty of times during the "race" where "can't" comes into my mind.  My legs might get sore and I'll say "I can't go on."  Or I will run out of breath or get thirsty etc.  The biggest thing of the race is battling your mind and pushing away the "can't."

But how does that apply to work?  There are plenty of situations that I have been in where I have had to do a task that I was not confident that I could do and "can't" was very hard to push away.  In some cases it has stopped me from completing them or putting my hand up to try.

If it was just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other - perhaps the "can't" would disappear easier.  If there was some way of training yourself in work, as you do in running, to take on more.  In running, it's a case of building on strengthening your body and increasing mileage gradually - how does this apply in work?

I'd like some suggestions on this - please feel welcome to share.

On a side note, I'm enjoying reading other's #blogjune posts - it gives me a little insight into these people (who I may or may not have met) lives and personalities and I miss their blogging when #blogjune finishes.  So keep blogging you #blogjune (ers).

Friday, June 20, 2014

Don't stop #blogjune #21

Today started the way I love it to start - 6.30am run as the sun was rising over the ocean shared with lovely people who enjoy running as much as me.  We threw in beach and bush in today's run and had a yummy breakfast afterwards.  I love starting the day like this so much!!

It wasn't a hard run by any means.  Usually by Saturday I'm ready to slow it down a bit because I'm usually very tired from the week.  Interestingly most people do their long runs on the weekend and this will be something I have to work on when I venture into full marathon training - where runs will have to go over the 2hr mark.

Today's mantra: Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done.

Now this is one I do follow a lot.  I am often pushing through a run on tired legs or tired mind.  But in reality I think it is the "rest" side of running I have to work on.

Last week I did not do a run at lunch time on Thursday or Friday and then I blasted through my run on Saturday.  It felt easy and I felt energetic.  It was most likely due to resting!!

I have problems with "rest" because of my relationship with exercise and food.  But I in transformation mode, so I am working on this.

It is raining now, so normally I would be out there doing my Saturday afternoon walk.  But I'm participating in the Urunga Fun Run tomorrow and doing a 10k run so while I'm sure to do some mind arguing if the rain stops and the sun comes out - I am not going to walk this afternoon!!  I'm going to "rest" and see if I have more energy for the run tomorrow.

Do you have problems "resting" be it from work or exercise or both?

Double post Friday #blogjune #19 #20

Ok so I've been slack again but we had a plumbing malfunction in the house last night so blogging was not high on the agenda.  And tonight I'm writing this on my tablet which limits me a bit.  Anyway, moving on....

Yesterday's mantra: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Today's mantra:  A fit life is a marathon not a sprint.

Ok yesterday I really put myself out of my comfort zone.  I headed out for my run at 5.30am with my stop watch in hand.  I did a warm up and headed for the beach.  I love running on the beach.

Anyway, once I got on the beach the fun began, starting with a 1 minute effort (faster pace then normal) then 1 minute recovery running at normal pace.  I did this 4 times.  I then upped it to 2 minutes effort and 1 minute recovery and did this 3 times.  By this time I was almost at third headland - about 6k up the beach andni has to start heading home.

Note to self, when playing games like fartleks (running term for what I described above) remember you have to run back.  And the further out you run, the further you have to run home.  It was a killer.  But I did it!  Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

The 2nd mantra I'm going to refer back to my transformation journey over the last 12 months, well 15 months.  I have made small changes to my lifestyle and have lost 15kg.  I did not lose 12kg in 12 weeks or make huge sacrifices.  And the weight has stayed off.  The point I'm trying to make, is that a fit life is a marathon not a sprint.  A fit life is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.  This is permanent,  not something I will stop once I reach a certain point.  I am a work in progress, and like learning, it is lifelong.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

She's going the distance. She's going for speed. #blogjune #18

Changed them around a bit:
"She's going the distance.
She's going for speed.
He's all alone
all alone in his time of need.
because she's racing and pacing and plotting the course,
she's fighting and biting and riding on her horse,
She's going the distance."

My computer has decided to die so I'm using my old laptop and it's playing games so some of the blog features are not working.  Anyway, I will push on!

Today's mantra: Distance makes the heart grow stronger.

We aren't talking relationships here folks!  We are talking about going the distance in a workout and making our heart work hard to make that muscle grow strong!!

The furtherest I have run is a half marathon 21.1km.  I hope to do a full marathon (42.2km) in the near future - just have to find one I can realistically work towards and dedicate the time training to. 

I did have the Cadbury Marathon in Tasmania in January 2015 in mind.  You get chocolate at the finish line and free entry to the Cadbury factory.  But financially I don't know if we could afford to get all of us (hubby, Miss A and I there).  Then a few people have suggested the Gold Coast Airport Marathon in 2015 (I did actually enter a comp to win entry to this years marathon but missed out).  But I don't really like the Gold Coast all that much.  But everyone says that it's the best one because of the support of the locals that line the course and it's a flat course.  So who knows!!  A full marathon will happen but it's a matter of when - in the meantime I continue to train for the Ipswich Park2Park.

As you read, I did hill repeats on Tuesday and I was planning on doing some intervals or speed work tomorrow at the local soccer/sports field.  But running around and around in circles does not really appeal to me and the ladies on the Running Mums Australia FB site advised not to do hills and speed work in one week.  Plus the tide is low this week which makes for a great run on the beach and I love running on the beach as the sun rises.  So I'm thinking the beach wins but I might bring my stop watch and throw in a few efforts, e.g. 1 min effort, 2 min rest etc.

And today I really had to push through my 5km lunch run.  We had done lots of squats at bootcamp this morning so my legs were fatigued and my new shoes are causing a few pains in unusual places (still trying to work out why) and then I chaffed under my arm.  So it was a bad run!  It happens sometimes.  But I still pushed out the 5k.

On a side note, one of the ladies from bootcamp is down in South Australia and mentioned she was in Mount Gambier so I advised her to drop into the library as it is very impressive (I haven't been there but I have seen photos).  And she did and she was so happy she did!!  So libraries are still on my mind!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hills, hills and more hills #blogjune #17

Today's mantra: Love yourself enough to work out harder.

Unfortunately, for me I think I do the opposite - work out hard to love yourself!!

This morning saw winter arrive - 5'C and a 5.30am run.  Predictably this meant that not all of our running group showed up, so three of us headed out to the beach for a very cold run.

Up the beach and there was plans for hill repeats.  With our motivational leader, Shelley MIA, some of our group piked out after one hill - but the dedicated one (me - or stupid one) pushed out 4 more hill repeats as the others headed back down the beach never to be seen again!

I then pushed out another 5k at lunch time and unfortunately, the route I follow at lunch has 6 hills.  I thought I was going slow due to my hill work this morning, but I actually did an alright pace.  Am totally buggered now though and bootcamp tomorrow.

But Love yourself enough to work out harder!!!

Something to finish - this is a bit true for me - except for the last image - but the last image is what I'm working on!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sore today equals strong tomorrow #blogjune #16

I am writing this in the ad breaks while watching The Voice.  Ok, ok I know it's reality tv and it's all a bit corny but I do have my vices and this is one of them.

Today's mantra: Sore today equals strong tomorrow.

Over the past year and half that I have been doing bootcamp, this mantra has come through constantly.  It's along the lines, the harder/smarter you work, the better the outcome.  Or something like that.

For bootcamp, sore today does mean strong tomorrow.  My body is transforming and I'm becoming stronger - not just at running but in my fitness generally.  And I like it!!

At my last half marathon (Macleay River Marathon) at South West Rocks, weeks/months of training and doing hill repeats meant that I was strong on the day.  I flew up the hills and I took 3 minutes off my last half marathon time.

In 6 weeks I will be completing my 3rd half marathon for the year in Ipswich, Qld.  The Ipswich Park2Park half marathon.  I found out last week that this is labelled the most challenging half marathon in Qld!!

It is a 4 lap course which is challenging psychologically to begin with.  But on top of that there is hill after hill after hill!  So back to training and doing more hill repeats.

I'm also going to try to throw in some speed work.  I don't do a lot of speed work - because I don't sprint well and I have mentioned previously that it takes a bit of effort to get myself out of my comfort zone.  I must admit I did enjoy doing intervals with the Gale Force Running Group in Ipswich when I was on holidays.  But it's hard when you are not with a group and are trying to do it yourself.  But I will try!

Because: Sore today equals strong tomorrow.

I must apologise that my posts always seem to be running or exercise related but that's just my life at the moment.

And here's a pic of me being strong!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Strive to be more you than you've ever been #blogjune #15

Today's mantra: Strive to be more you than you've ever been.

Today we conquered a walk. A walk that we've been wanting to do as a family for a while but just have never got round to it.  So at 10am we drove to Wenonah beach.  Got out of the car and headed South to Valla Beach along the beach.

I estimated that it would be around 4.5k - well it was 5k down the beach and another 5k back so 10k in total and we did it.  My husband's feet were a bit sore and mine were a bit too - bare foot on hard sand will do that to you.

Miss A only had one melt down due to not being allowed to go swimming - it was still cold.

As a family we spent 2 hours together doing exercise!!

Strive to be more you than you've ever been - I'm not sure the world is ready for more of me!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday night's alright, alright, alright #blogjune #14

Well, Saturday is alright, alright, alright and I'm sure Saturday night will be too.

I'm feeling really pumped right now!  I started the day with a 12k run with my lovely runners group, Valla Runners.  We mixed road, bush and beach with a little bit of rain - it was great!  Then lovely scrambled eggs and hot chocolate for breakfast.

Back home and a zip around doing a quick house clean - I'm not that domestic so it's really a surface clean at the most.

Bit of TAFE marking done, catching up on FB and a quick sneak at ebay - nope do not need any more running gear - said no runner ever!!!!

Planned on an arvo run - hmmm Miss A wants out of the house and wants to join me.  Ok, scooter out but we have to go fast because mum wants to run!!  So off we go on our usual path.  Bit of walking thrown in there because the foot path does not go for the whole route.  Stop at the park for a bit of a play - me on the exercise equipment and Miss A on the swings.  Quick chat with some other mums, and run back home.  Now after a shower with Miss A, I'm feeling really good!!  In fact I haven't felt like this for some time.  So I'm just going to hang in this moment for a while and share today's mantra:

If you still look cute at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough!

You can never accuse me of not training hard enough but then I probably didn't look that cute to begin with.  But most times I'm covered in a lather of sweat and am probably sporting the "kick ass" look that I know I take on (because it's been caught in a few of my race photos) showing I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I'm not that aware of what's going on around me.  That's how it should be!!

However, back to the cuteness - I have got a few "motivational" running singlets that I wear.  2 Lorna Janes that I picked up on sale in Ipswich - "Fit Feels Good" and "I earn my chocolate one step at a time."  Plus one that I picked up when Woolworths was selling their Be you Be Fit or something like that - "Run eat sleep repeat."

Plus my ever growing race shirt collection - so far have Coffs Harbour Running Festival, Twilight Bay Run, and Port Macquarie Running Festival.  I have purchased my singlet for Ipswich Park2Park but will not wear it till I've done the race - bit of a tradition, although the organisers are wanting us to wear it, so I will see.  Didn't buy the one for South West Rocks because I didn't have the funds.

Anyway, enough about running - I'm going to go back to feeling good!!  Hope you all had a great day and have a great night!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Double post Friday #blogjune #12 and #13

Yep, I'm playing catchup again today with a double post.  Sorry I missed yesterday but I was a bit tired and unmotivated.

So 2 mantra's today:
  1. You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.  Really a no brainer that one - you really should just have a go and then you are better or greater than the person who didn't even try!
  2. Work like a horse and you'll look like a fox.  Hmm, not sure on this one.  Work hard and you'll look better than a horse?!?  Maybe I want to look like a horse??  Or maybe foxes are more attractive than horses - goodness knows - I'm not touching that one but I'm open to interpretations if you'd like to share?
Yesterday I put my new running shoes to the ultimate test (I had worn them for a 5k at lunch time at work on Wednesday and they were a bit loose around the heel so I adjusted the lacing for this run).  I ran 14k.  Now since I'd played around with the lacing, I had no heel slip but by the end of the run my feet were rubbing on the arch so I had some blisters starting there - never ever happened to me before.  So I think I will have to play around a bit more with the lacing.  But the shoes are a beautiful colour - remind me to upload a photo in my next post.

Yesterday I also completed the 5 day Health and Safety Representative course I had been doing over a 6 week period - I know makes no sense, 5 days over 6 weeks, well we had a week off due to me going to Nundle for the library zone meeting.  So now I am a HSR and I can issue PINs - (Provisional Improvement Notices) - break into the song "I've got the power" by Snap!  Oooohh nice little visual dance in my mind - shaking it, shaking it, grooving it, grooving it!!  Right what is in that hot chocolate I'm sipping on!!

While I am passionate about workplace safety, the training did kick me up the bum to be more on top of things like workplace inspections and safety plans.  I look after 3 branch libraries and I must admit that I'm a bit behind in this area.  As I also do frontline customer service, it is hard to get out to the branches to complete these actions but it's really no excuse.

But really what I really enjoyed about this training, was being able to meet and work with other people from my organisation that I very rarely get to see.  The training was made up of those on the Health and Safety Committee and are a mix of indoor and outdoor staff.  So it was great getting to know some other staff and be able to work with them.  The training also was held at one of the council depots in their new training room.  So even being in a new area was great.  I will miss the Thursday training sessions.

Today I have an RDO (Rostered Day Off) so after I drop Miss A at school, I'm off to do grocery shopping and then having my hair cut and coloured.  I'm leaving it to the creative juices of the hairdresser to decide what colour and style - she did a great job last time.  I may even post a photo on here!!  I also hope to fit a little run in today at some point.  I had a great session at bootcamp this morning.  It was basically around our mats - 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 crunches, 20 bicycles, 30 sec jog on the spot, 30 sec jog on spot with 4 legs in and then 4 legs out (I know makes no sense), 30 sec pendulums (hope I've spelt that right), 30 sec high knees.  Then we repeat with the reps going down by 2 each time but the jogs, pendulums etc staying at 30 seconds.  It's quite a challenging class even though you aren't running around ovals or anything.

Tomorrow morning it will be social run and then breakfast - please stay away rain until after our run!!  It's been 2 weeks or longer since we've had a good social run.  I was tapering (not running) last Saturday due to my half marathon on Sunday and the week before it rained so only I went out for a run while everyone else stayed in bed.  I actually miss the breakfast company more as we all sit down at a local café and have breakfast and chat together - makes a great start to the weekend!!  I don't care it if rains the rest of the day because then I can laze around the house reading!!

Hope you all have a great day!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The road less travelled.... #blogjune #11

Today's mantra: You may meet your destiny on the road you took to avoid it.

Well aren't we delving deep on this "hump" day!!

I was thinking more along the lines of the road less travelled, the path you didn't take and thinking about where that could've taken you - but I have touched on this in past posts and this is not what today's mantra is about.

I don't think we know our destiny so I'm not sure if I've ever really taken a step to avoid it.  Have you?

Or perhaps there is a little bit of us that do know exactly what our outcome of life will be and we don't want to go there - but we end up there anyway.

I do believe we are here for a reason, even if we may never know the reason until we are old enough to look back and smart enough to realise - perhaps not all of us get to this point.

I also believe that if we don't achieve what we have been put here for we may get to live it again.  Dejavu is just too strong at times to be just a dream - not unless I'm a "side kick" as Miss A put it today.  She was guessing the age of her swimming instructor and guessed right.  "I'm a side kick, you know," she said.  The swimming instructor and I looked at each other with confused looks.  "A side kick?" I asked.  "Yes a side kick," Miss A replied, "you know I know the future."  "Oh a psychic!!"  Don't you just love kids!!

Maybe this mantra is more about us knowing we have to do something, but we don't particularly want to do it but in a round about way we will end up doing it anyway?!?

Or maybe destiny is fate and no matter what road/choices we make, we will get to the same destination - the one we were supposed to get to?!?

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Focus on results.... #blogjune #10

Gosh we are up to day 10 already!!

Today's mantra: Focus on results and you'll never change.  Focus on change and you'll get results.

How often do you start a project/activity and begin by thinking about the outcome?  Come on, we all do it.  But how often has the outcome been the one we were thinking about when we started?  I bet you it never is.  It might be close, but there will be a difference.

So I think this mantra is really saying that if we jump ahead of ourselves we will actually never change - if we always focus on the finish, we will not experience the journey and get the "real" results.

When you start an exercise program, you are usually motivated by results but you also have an idea of the result you want.  How often do you get those results?  You don't, because you are focused on the outcome.  You are focused on the short term.  To get real results you have to change a behaviour.  You have to make changes to your lifestyle and then you will get "real" results!!

It is the same in work. You want a particular career but in order to get it, you have to make changes!!  You will never get to where you desire unless you make the changes to get there.

I feel a bit like this discussion is going around in circles.  It could be because I'm tired - so I'm going to leave this post right here!

But I will say that I wore my half marathon finishers medal all day today and I did the rounds of the office sharing my achievement!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Double Post Monday #blogjune #8 and #9

I'm doing a double post today as the mantra's for yesterday and today both will relate to this post.

Yesterday's mantra: Don't talk yourself out of it, talk yourself into it.
Today's mantra: Take pride in how far you've come; have faith in how far you can go.

Most of this post will relate to yesterday's events because both mantra's are relating so well to what I did yesterday.

Yesterday started at 4am when I got up and started getting ready to head down to South West Rocks for the Macleay River Marathon where I was taking part in the half marathon (21.1km for those not in the know).

It was pretty cold when I arrived there and it took me a while to locate some people I know that were doing the half, 10k and 5k runs.

The full marathon got on it's way at 7am and my race was to begin at 7.30am.  A friend and I did a bit of a warm up (really so I could get rid of my jacket) and then it was on.

I should back up a bit.  This was the first time I actually ate more than a banana before a race.  You see the half I did back in March (my first) I really felt the lack of energy around the 17k mark and I had only had a banana to eat.  Yesterday I had half a bread roll with peanut butter and honey - so I was feeling fuelled.

I promised myself to take it slow on the way out (this race was an out and back - the Port Macquarie half back in March was a 3 lap course - good for spectators but not so good psychologically for the runner) and then put a bit more effort in on the way home.

The start sees a bit of a an uphill followed by a long down hill (and in your head you are thinking, I have to run back up that to finish).  Then a flat and a beautiful scenic run along a foot path that goes through some bush and past houses and the beach.  I really enjoyed it and it was out of the sun so not too hot.

You then head up another hill, down and then out along the main street into South West Rocks, past the shopping centre and out into the "farm" bit.  Not many spectators but one or two people that gave everyone a "pat on the back" as you passed them.

I was feeling really good on the way out.  However, the turnaround seemed to take for ever.  I had looked at the map and did a street view of the route the night before, but I think the turn around was a bit further out than marked on the map.  There were 4 drink stations out and the same 4 back - I took a drink at every second one - actually there must have been more than 4.  Anyway, I had about 3 drinks as well as what I was carrying myself - I don't like to drink too much because I get stitch.

So I was a bit put out by how far the turn around point was - bit stupid but I think once you head back you think you are on the home stretch even if you have another 10.55k to go.  The other thing that can play on your mind is the fact you have run over a few hills and you know you have to run over them on the way back!

Heading back was where I noted that the hill repeats I had been doing with the running girls leading up to this event really paid off.  It was here that I over took the odd runner or two and I almost felt like turning to them and saying "you should've done more hill repeats!!"  But instead I said "going great!"

Around the 16-17k mark I hit the point where I think I should stop and walk (which to me makes it a bit harder to keep going which is why I don't stop for drinks too often - but perhaps I need to practice the stop to walk and start again).  And here is where mantra one kicks in: Don't talk yourself out of it, talk yourself into it.  So I do just that.  I look at my Garmin GPS Running Watch and see that really there is just over 4k to go and think about how far 4k is using visuals from my runs around home - well you know that is only from the soccer field to the surf club etc.  Then I look at my other wrist that has Miss A's loom band bracelet she made for me the day before for me to wear during the race so I could think of her cheering me on from home - and it gave me a boost.  I can do this.  4k is nothing!!

So I continue - by this time my legs become separated from me and just go on auto pilot - it's really your head that plays games with you.  I knew the end would be tough with the uphill finish but I also knew that I had done harder hills many times over in my training.  Piece of piss as we boot camp girls say!

And the hill came and I overtook another person on the hill and powered away.  And you know what, that hill wasn't really that bad.  I would say the surf club hill that I do hill repeats on is way worse.  While this hill does carry on for a while, it does flatten out a little so it's not effort all the way.  That said, I knew the end was 1k away so effort kicked in.  I could hear the run caller announcing other runners crossing the line and I wanted that strong finish.

So down the hill and across the finish line - I didn't throw my arms up (no finish line photographer you see) but I powered across that line so strong that I almost missed taking my finishers medal from the ladies waiting to hand them out.  Yes I had done it - quick turn off the Garmin to note your time!!  Garmin off and it tells me I've broken a record - YES!!  I took 3 minutes off my first half marathon time!!!  Second mantra breaks in: take pride in how far you've come; have faith in how far you can go.

I am always guilty of playing down my achievements as I do not want to come across as a show off.  But I have to admit, while I didn't want to think about times leading into this run, I secretly was hoping I could break the 1hr 53min I did at Port.  And I did - 1hr 50mins!! 

The final stats: 78th out of 159 finishers, 22nd out of 65 female finishers and 8th out of 17 females in my age category 30-39.

My next run is the Urunga Little Athletics Fun Run on Sunday 22 June and will be a 10km.  Then it will be my race of the year the Ipswich Park2Park half marathon on Sunday 27 July.  This one is special for me because it is in my home town and I think it will be a very challenging run.  It is basically up hill and down hill, up hill and down hill with maybe one flat bit with 4 laps. 

As mentioned before the Port run was laps and the run yesterday was out and back.  I really think that psychologically the Port run was harder because of the laps - it was great for spectators who could stay in one spot and see you a few times but for the runner, it was an endless race.  Ipswich will be hard but good because I hope to have lots of family and friends there to cheer me on.

Have faith in how far you can go!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Do the best with what you have and you'll soon be doing it better #blogjune #7

I'm following up my late post that I was supposed to do yesterday which I did this morning with this post that is on time today!!

Today's mantra: Do the best with what you have and you'll soon be doing it better.

I'm not sure where to take this one.  I think going from working in a big metropolitan library to working in a small regional library, I have automatically did the best with what I have - not sure if I'm doing it better though!!

I have to say that one thing I do feel I'm doing better, and it probably comes from working in a small town, is customer service.  I have always felt the need to greet customers by name and you will note that I often mention this in my posts.  I feel it gives that extra service and it is amazing that by addressing someone by name often results in a smile!

As for providing a service, in the beginning when I first started working here, the overall library service budget was tight.  We did the best with what we had.  We still do to an extent because my libraries don't have an events or activities budget so we can get very creative when coming up with children's activities.  It helps that we sell honey for a local provider and they in turn donate us a bit of money for each pot we sell.  I'm sure some fellow professionals are a bit shocked that we do this, but we are a small town!  I often joke that all we need is a couple of bread making machines going in the workroom and a cow out in the park, and we can then provide bread, milk and honey and our library users will not have to go anywhere else but the library!!

Now to exercise - do the best with what you have and you'll soon be doing it better!  Well I often laugh (well quietly to myself) at people who are unfit but won't exercise till they get fit.  You have legs and arms - use them - do the best with what you have!!  And you will get better!!

I was absolutely hopeless at running - I hated it!  I thought I was dying when I ran.  I would gulp for air and just couldn't run very far at all.  I thought, what's the point!  But little by little, I ran and I ran with others (do the best with what you have - you have friends - you have people that run - use them!) and then I was doing it better!!

Tomorrow I'm off to the Macleay River Marathon to complete my second half marathon of the year.  I'm travelling down on my own because it will be an early start - leaving home at around 5.30am.  The race starts at 7.30am but I have to pick up my number etc.

I'm not aiming for any PB as it is a different track to the half marathon I did in Port Macquarie.  There are going to be some sneaky hills and a killer one at the end.  However, 2 weekends ago I did the Bellingen Show Fun Run - 10km from Glennifer into Bellingen.  It was roughly 5km of up hill.  It was tough.  But I survived and I did it.  Yes I had to walk some of the hill but I've also been doing lots of hill repeats with my running group, so I'm ready!!

Just a word of warning - I plan on having some bubbles post race tomorrow, so there may or may not be a post tomorrow evening - and if there is, it could be a very interesting one!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take #blogjune #6

Sorry, I'm a bit late with post 6.  I was pretty tired by the time I got home from work yesterday and spent quality time with the family so blogging was put aside.

Yesterday's mantra: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Well this could all be about regrets or the road not taken.  Or it could be about not taking risks.

I try not to reflect too much on regrets or other possibly paths my life could've taken because I believe that the decisions I made at the time were good ones.

I have a beautiful family and I enjoy my job most of the time and I live in a wonderful part of the world.  So really, there is nothing to regret!  Do you feel the same way?

However, it would be interesting if one was to write a biography that was more like a "choose your own adventure."  I loved those books and I did read one to Miss A one day but then we had to choose every possible way to learn of all the different outcomes.  I wonder what different outcomes my life would have if at every cross road I got to see where each would take me!

I don't think it is something we should ponder too much.

Now if the mantra is about taking risks, it's really saying that every risk you don't take, then you've missed out on something.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm probably not much of a risk taker because I really do enjoy my comfort zone.  I sometimes feel that opportunities to take risks are not presented to me that often, but perhaps because I love my comfort zone so much, I'm not seeing them on purpose.

What are your thoughts on risk taking?

I often find the process of blog posting a bit of a risk, depending on what I want to say.  Really I do put myself out there and expose bits of me that perhaps I shouldn't expose or feel that others may think less of me or change their views of me.  But other times I like that I can put things out there that I probably wouldn't talk to others about but would make interesting conversations.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I won't quit until I'm the person I want to be #blogjune #5

I think I may be not quitting for a long time - today's mantra: I won't quit until I'm the person I want to be.

I'm not sure what person I want to be.  Yes I want to be fit and healthy but I also want to be a great mum, wife and librarian - and maybe athlete!!

I have been discussing my difficulty in learning to love myself a bit over the last few days with various people.  Most agree that they also are not at the point of loving themselves.  Why are we so hard on ourselves?

It should be about being the best person you can be and work towards being all the things I mentioned before - because I don't think you ever reach the point of being who you want to be because we are all a work in progress.  Perhaps in our final days we will accept that if we have tried to be the best we can be, then we were the person we wanted to be.

This discussion is probably more suited after having a few drinks - it's too deep for my mind at the moment and I'm sure I could take it to some interesting places after a couple of glasses of bubbles.  Perhaps I will revisit this post after my half-marathon on Sunday when I am sitting back with some bubbles, listening to some good tunes, soaking up my achievements and spending time with my loving family.  Perhaps then I will be the person I want to be!!!

Are you still not quitting?  Or are you the person you want to be?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You'll never know your limits unless you push yourself to them #blogjune #4

Today's mantra: You'll never know your limits unless you push yourself to them

I'm all for comfort zones - I love mine - both in fitness and in work!!

I don't find it easy to step out of my comfort zone and I often find my body and mind seeking that comfort zone when I'm trying to push beyond it.

However, this year I completed my first half marathon back in March and I have planned another 3-4 this year.  Each race/fun run, whether it be a half, 10km or 5km, I find myself pushing out of the comfort zone.  I step into my competitive frame of mind and find myself overcoming that physical and mental point where I want to stop and walk and give up on pushing through the pain.

During my regular runs, I find it harder to push through my comfort zone then when I'm completing a fun run/race.  Competitiveness is a wonderful thing when it comes to pushing the comfort zone - well for me it is!

But you can't be in a competitive position all the time, so how can you push yourself out of that comfort zone when there is nothing to compete with?!?

I think I find I struggle with this more in my work situation than in fitness/running.  It is easy to say, well I don't think I will take that risk because everyone is quite happy with the way things are running now, or there have been no call to change the way we do this or offer this service, so why do it?!?

Or I don't have the skills to do that task, so I'm not even going to try!!!

I do think that through accomplishing pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone in my physical fitness, it is having an impact on how I deal with my work comfort zone.  Perhaps I'm ready to take more risks and even try a few things differently!

What strategies do you use to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Small changes can make a big difference. #blogjune #3

Today's mantra: Small changes can make a big difference.

For me, small changes made a 15kg difference in 12 months.  No dieting for me, just conscientious decisions.  I don't believe in denying myself, however, I will limit myself, except when it comes to M&M's.  Although, I have managed to restrain myself to smaller serving sizes and still maintain the same level of satisfaction.

While some may see my increase in exercise and obsession with running a big change, for me it was minimal.  Really at the beginning I saw it as major change - getting up earlier, putting myself out of my comfort zone physically and mentally, and ensuring I don't cross that line that I have previously blogged about. But really it wasn't that hard and not such a big change after all.  It is now part of my lifestyle!

At work, small changes can make a big difference too - it's all in the way you present your collection.  Having books on display, changing things around in little ways - using a book spinner to display stock that doesn't usually move.  People see a new piece of furniture and wonder why the books are there - are they new books or something special?!?

Making an effort to remember people's names - yes small changes can make a big difference.  At first they were just coming into the library to get some books, but then the staff member addressed them by name and asked them something about what they had told them the last visit and a smile breaks out and it becomes more than a staff/client relationship - it becomes a caring one!  Yes, small changes can make a big difference!

So what small change have you made that made a big difference?  Or even better, what small changes you want to make will make a big difference??

Monday, June 2, 2014

You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You choose. #blogjune #2

Today's mantra: You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow.  You choose.

It is your choice to complete the task, to make the change, or to do a killer run and feel sore, tired, exhausted.  Or you can not do any of them and feel only regret!

Today I procrastinated a lot.  The library was closed and I usually use that time to catch up on a lot of work I can't do when we are open and I'm constantly being interrupted.

Funnily enough, there were a number of interruptions today - air-conditioner maintenance people turned up; council staff dropping things off or ringing me up; customers ringing up to renew items (yes I answer the phone just in case someone is actually trying to find me); other libraries ringing to check if we have such and such book - so the list goes on.

I did manage to get one exciting thing done today - I registered for the upcoming NSW Public Libraries Conference.  This year it will be in Mudgee, NSW in November.  Another town I have never been too and another exciting networking/professional development event to look forward to.

I also booked my accommodation at the Mudgee Riverside Caravan and Tourist Park.  I booked a cabin as I found when I recently visited Nundle, staying in a cabin in the local caravan park can be just as comfortable as staying in a motel.  And it gives you a bit extra room around you so that you don't feel cramped.  Basically it means I can make more of a mess.  I don't know if anyone else finds that their suitcase contents becomes scattered all over the hotel/motel room when they stay over.  But mine certainly does.  So now I can have a whole cabin full of mess!!

I then got a bit distracted and started looking at possible running routes and places that I could check out during my early morning runs.  Also checked out the local sporting fields and ovals to see if there are places for me to do my makeshift boot camp.  Yes I have my priorities right.  Closer to the date I will get onto my FB running pages and ask if there are any local Mudgee runners who might like some company while I'm there or to show me the best running routes.  I love being connected to other runners and we are such great bunches of people that it doesn't matter if you don't know each other, you will run together and find stuff to talk about - mainly pace, fuel, different races etc.

Talking about running - my lunch time run today was a bit of a killer.  I had heavy legs and was really struggling with the hills - but I felt sore rather than sorry!!  And since I did manage to tick 2 things off my "to do" list today - I will say I ended the day not feeling sorry!!

Did you make the choice to day to feel sore or sorry?!?