Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You'll never know your limits unless you push yourself to them #blogjune #4

Today's mantra: You'll never know your limits unless you push yourself to them

I'm all for comfort zones - I love mine - both in fitness and in work!!

I don't find it easy to step out of my comfort zone and I often find my body and mind seeking that comfort zone when I'm trying to push beyond it.

However, this year I completed my first half marathon back in March and I have planned another 3-4 this year.  Each race/fun run, whether it be a half, 10km or 5km, I find myself pushing out of the comfort zone.  I step into my competitive frame of mind and find myself overcoming that physical and mental point where I want to stop and walk and give up on pushing through the pain.

During my regular runs, I find it harder to push through my comfort zone then when I'm completing a fun run/race.  Competitiveness is a wonderful thing when it comes to pushing the comfort zone - well for me it is!

But you can't be in a competitive position all the time, so how can you push yourself out of that comfort zone when there is nothing to compete with?!?

I think I find I struggle with this more in my work situation than in fitness/running.  It is easy to say, well I don't think I will take that risk because everyone is quite happy with the way things are running now, or there have been no call to change the way we do this or offer this service, so why do it?!?

Or I don't have the skills to do that task, so I'm not even going to try!!!

I do think that through accomplishing pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone in my physical fitness, it is having an impact on how I deal with my work comfort zone.  Perhaps I'm ready to take more risks and even try a few things differently!

What strategies do you use to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, I'm the opposite. I can push myself at work more easily that I can push myself in fitness or leisure. I guess my motivation at work is fear of being seen as someone who is not pulling their weight, not good at the job, or other self-imposed negatives, and then on the other hand thrive on positive feedback that comes from having pushed myself. Good luck with your next half marathon!
