Today's mantra: You may meet your destiny on the road you took to avoid it.
Well aren't we delving deep on this "hump" day!!
I was thinking more along the lines of the road less travelled, the path you didn't take and thinking about where that could've taken you - but I have touched on this in past posts and this is not what today's mantra is about.
I don't think we know our destiny so I'm not sure if I've ever really taken a step to avoid it. Have you?
Or perhaps there is a little bit of us that do know exactly what our outcome of life will be and we don't want to go there - but we end up there anyway.
I do believe we are here for a reason, even if we may never know the reason until we are old enough to look back and smart enough to realise - perhaps not all of us get to this point.
I also believe that if we don't achieve what we have been put here for we may get to live it again. Dejavu is just too strong at times to be just a dream - not unless I'm a "side kick" as Miss A put it today. She was guessing the age of her swimming instructor and guessed right. "I'm a side kick, you know," she said. The swimming instructor and I looked at each other with confused looks. "A side kick?" I asked. "Yes a side kick," Miss A replied, "you know I know the future." "Oh a psychic!!" Don't you just love kids!!
Maybe this mantra is more about us knowing we have to do something, but we don't particularly want to do it but in a round about way we will end up doing it anyway?!?
Or maybe destiny is fate and no matter what road/choices we make, we will get to the same destination - the one we were supposed to get to?!?
What are your thoughts?
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