Yesterday I had my performance appraisal. All was good and there really wasn't anything negative to report - which is a blessing because I work hard at my job and was glad that was noticed and acknowledged. However, there is always room for improvement so I mentioned to my boss the difficulties I have dealing with staff conflict due to different personalities and also that I like to be liked so it can be hard to be tough on staff when you still want them to like you. I won't discuss this here because I believe I have discussed this previously.
Yesterday, being Monday and all my libraries are closed on Monday, means it is also catch up day for me. I make sure I have done all the advertising, newsletter information for school about our upcoming illustrator visit, make sure the roster is up to date, catch up on some professional reading and do some quick shelf tidying. I had an email about our downloadable eAudio platform I had to answer, so I had to have a bit of a play around with that. Then emailed the borrower with the issue only to find it is an issue with the iPad app of the platform and since I don't have an iPad I couldn't help her directly so I directed her to the help pages and the vendors help contact form.
Today it is small one's parent teacher interview. Funnily enough I have only just realised that we don't have her report card yet so am not sure how I will comment on anything other than the fact that she always lets them out late of an afternoon which drives hubby mad. He says that most of the time the rest of the school is out and he's wondering where she is - he waits for her outside the school grounds. Then he often has to walk up the classroom to see what is happening. Excuses rang from the teacher didn't hear the bell to the kids hadn't packed up the classroom yet.
Anyway, back to the interview. I went to the one and only parent teacher interview that happened last year - yes slack as I thought we would have a follow up one at the end of the year - nope. And found it good to get the teachers point of view of how our child is going. It also allowed me to comment on some things like lack of communication about sports events etc. So I do like attending these just to get that two way feedback happening.
Well #blogjune is almost finished and I think I'll be relieved that I don't have to come up with something to write about everyday. However, I did see mention on someone's blog yesterday to Library Day in the Life with round 9 due to start in July. It may happen while I'm at the conference or just after which would make it an excellent time to reflect.
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