Ok so it's really cold this morning. When we woke up at 8am it was 4.4'C. But I promise I won't talk about the cold other than to say I hate it!!
While today is Sunday, I am going to talk about our usual Saturday routine.
Saturday is chore day for me. I like that I don't have to go to work but I hate that I have to do silly things like washing, shopping, cleaning when I'd rather do nothing.
So the day starts around 7-7.30am when I get up - and everyone else remains in bed. I put the first load of washing on and then sit down to eat breakfast and do the usualy computer routine - check emails, facebook, twitter, google reader and then since it's June, write my blog post.
Then I hang first load of wash and get second load on. If it's a good day I only have two loads to do. Yesterday I had to do three because hubby got up late and I had to wash our sheets.
By 10am we are out the door to do shopping - usually small one and me - hubby doesn't like shopping. Yesterday he and our neighbour had to go to Bunnings so they dropped us off at the shopping centre and did Bunnings while I did groceries.
Small one was supposed to have a friend sleep over but her mum called and said she had the flu so small one was upset. Bribery occured with me promising to get a small toy to compensate for no one to play with that night. We found a Pet Shop toy and all was good.
I hate grocery shopping. It seems everyone is there and small one often runs around like a lunatic and gets in everyone's way. I must say that I sometimes encourage the running but last time we did that, running from Kmart to Woolworths, small one had a stack and hurt herself - so no more running in the shopping centre.
Anyway, by the time I find everything on the list - I swear they just move things around to trick us all, everyone was at the checkout. This always happens. Without fail it seems the whole shop gets to the checkout at the same time.
We finally got out and bought small one a cheese and bacon roll and waited for hubby to come back.
Back home, time to unpack the shopping - sigh!! Then have a quick bite of lunch. Then off to small one's swimming lessons. We go to a private pool that is heated and mostly covered by a shed. The lessons go all year round.
Back home again and one of small one's friends from school shows up at the front door with overnight gear ready. Her nana is there and asks if she can stay over - ummm, no. You don't just turn up at someones house expecting them to take your granddaughter overnight without some pre arrangement. However, this is very typical of this family. They just show up unannounced and expect us to let their granddaughter stay and play.
I said that small one had been sick so she can play for a while and then maybe come back tomorrow morning - after 10am - and I'll take them down the park.
I hate being made to feel bad about something that is not my fault. I can't believe that people will just do that.
So small one played with friend, I went for my afternoon walk. On my walk I go for just over an hour. It involves running up and down 30 steps 15 times, walking around the golf course, along the foreshores, out and back along the boardwalk, past the soccer fields and back home. I then had a shower and settled down to finish Burning Lies by Helene Young. Relax time!!
After watching some tv, we all went to bed. Unfortunately, small one has been sick so she was complaining about a sore ear all night. Not much sleep and then up earlyish for Sunday - sigh!!
So now I've had breakfast and am doing my computer routine. I'll take the girls down to the park later and read the paper while they play - more on my thoughts on newspapers going electronic tomorrow.
Hope you had a great Saturday and may your Sunday be relaxing as well.
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