Today I have no idea what to blog about - so I thought I would allow my readers to do a trip down memory lane and have a read of another blog I had back when I was doing my Dunn and Wilson Scholarship on secondments.
This blog is rather special to me - especially after I revisited it a few weeks ago. Revisiting it made me realise that yes, there was a time I could write semi professionally and research, and it also recorded a wonderful moment in my life - the birth of my baby girl!! Another interesting thing is that it spans over 3 years - which I think is a long time to be writing about something.
I would love to revisit secondments and in fact, a colleague (not the same workplace) and I threw around the idea of a job swap with some of our metropolitian counterparts last year at the SWITCH conference. We both work in regional and rural libraries - her library is a tad more rural than mine - and thought it would be a great idea to spend a week - a month in a city public library and allow the city public library manager to spend a week - a month in our libraries. Just to explore the similarities and differences.
While I have worked in both city and country libraries, I still feel this experience would provide a more realistic comparison because you are doing it for the now and you are doing it as an exercise. When I was working in a city library I wasn't thinking about the tasks and the differences to a country library because I had yet to work in one. And now I'm in a country library, while I do make comparisons it is not something I am purposely doing to "research" it. Does that make sense?
Anyway, life gets in the way of these ideas - how would you fund it? Where would you stay? Would you house swap too? What would your family do? etc etc etc. But we have not yet let go of the idea - I suppose we are both waiting for the best time.
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