Saturday, June 22, 2013

#blogjune Post 22 - Some Poetry

During my run this afternoon, I got pooed on by a bird!

Now I will share with you some poetry I wrote a very very long time ago - about 12 years ago I would guess.

Sorry if it's bad!!

Sharon's Ode to Water Skiing

A roar from the engine
Brings to life the rope.
Through my arms I feel the power.
Hold on for dear life, won't let go I hope.
Spray on my face as I am dragged through the water.
Ski's skim through, legs follow later.
Flying across the glassy surface.
Muscles working hard, water in my face.
Hard work done,
Time to have fun.
Water flat as a mirror.
Hang on a sec, waves coming, height 'bout a metre.
Ski's skid out of control.
Don't worry, the rope I still hold.
Knees bend, head high.
Oh shit, now I'm looking at the sky.
Sky water, water sky.
Come to a stop, breathe a sigh.
A roar from the engine
Brings to life the rope.
Through my arms I feel the power.
Hold on for dear life, won't let go I hope.
Just another days' skiing out at the dam.
One day I'll master it, I know I can.


Maybe it's the way you look at me
With your soft and tender eyes.
Maybe it's the way you've taught me
That it's possible to fly.
Maybe it's the way you talk to me
Like I'm someone you really trust.
Maybe it's the way you listen to me
Without thinking that you must.
Maybe it's the way you lie with me
And fit me like a spoon.
Maybe it's a feeling that will last forever
Either that or go too soon.
Maybe it's a figment of my imagination
Only just a dream.
Maybe I should stop chasing butterflies
And let them come to me.

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