Friday, June 14, 2013

#blogjune Post 15 - It's been 5 Years Continued

Following on from yesterday's post and since I'm up early and my brain really is in weekend mode, I'm continuing yesterday's post and sharing some more photos/thoughts on living in Bellingen Shire.

Lavender's Bridge over the Bellinger River

Minor flood with Miss A - our first flood in Bellingen not realising that there would be many, many more to come

It's well known that on the North side of Bellingen, they will throw a party when the bridge is under as they are pretty much cut off.  There has been a lot of discussion about building a new bridge that won't flood - but really where is the fun in that?!?

Urunga - where we live.  Looking inviting in Summer time.

I have plenty more photos on my Facebook account.  And I hope to take some today of the Crazy Market Day in Bellingen.

Enjoy your Saturday!!

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