Tuesday, June 11, 2013

#blogjune Post 11 - It Starts with an 'S'

I'm a bit short on time today and after bootcamp and 55 burpees and 55 jumping squates and goodness knows how many pushups and sit ups - I can barely get my hands to type.  So I'm falling back on the Monday Meme that @FiFYI shared.

All answers must begin with the first letter of your name

1. What is your name? Sharon
2. A four-letter word: Ship (you know the word I was thinking and I was saying it a lot this morning during bootcamp - see above as to why)
3. A vehicle: Suzuki
4. A city: Sydney
5. A boy’s name (other than your own): Steven (I think I was going to be named that if I was a boy)
6. A girl’s name (other than your own):  Shelley (for killing us at bootcamp this morning)
7. Alcoholic drink: Slippery Nipple (never actually had one)
8. An occupation: Signwritter
9. Something you wear: singlet
10. A celebrity: Shania Twain
11. A food: sausage
12. Something found in a bathroom: scales
13. Reason for being late: slow
14. Something you shout: Super (now I'm sure you thought it was that other 4 letter word - only sometimes)
15. An animal: Snake
16. A body part: shoulder

Now tomorrow I'll have a question for the cataloguers out there - I would've had it this morning but I can't think of the author's name so will have to write it down when I get to work.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. You've never had a Slippery Nipple?! We have to fix that! Here's my instructional vid on YouTube: http://youtu.be/yij_RY8ikug
