Now when I go on holiday or to a new place, discovery happens at daylight. Or sometimes just before dawn. In big cities I'm often surprised by how many people are making their way to work. In country towns I lap up the piece and quiet.
My planning for visits has taken on a new meaning as I scope out possible running routes and get excited about things I might discover.
Yes I do get worried about dogs on the loose (but I worry about that at home too), and if there are odd people around - but hey, I can most likely out run them!! But mainly I look forward to seeing a town/city slowly wake up and discover the paths that are often not taken when you are in a car. The people you wouldn't see out and about if you waited for a "normal" time to be up discovering.
I have even gone so far as to plan holidays around running events - eep!!
I'm going to be heading to Adelaide at the end of August. I have never been to Adelaide and I'm already scoping out places to run and if there are any exercise equipment located in parks. Anyone who has been to Adelaide, please send me some suggestions!

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