Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's the blog that never ends - Epiphany #blog12daysxmas

So I thought I had finished #blog12daysxmas but no I'm supposed to finish up with an epiphany.

Epiphany: a) a sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something
 b) a comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realisation

Ok well I'm not sure if I had any epiphanies during my blogging challenge but I suppose I did:

  • realise that I am very lucky to live where I live and to have a healthy family
  • note that I have to reflect more and will be blogging at least once a week to achieve this
  • realise that I possibly am too negative about situations at work that I think I can't change and by changing my attitude to positive may result in overcoming these situations
  • note that I should try to meet more of my twitter friends IRL
  • realise that with perseverance I can overcome anything (well maybe not anything but most things)
  • realist that destiny cards do not help when trying to think about what to blog about BTW today's Destiny Card is Prosperity.
And really the one thing participating in these blog challenges helps me to feel is that I am connected.  While somewhat isolated, I still feel connected because I am sharing, discussing, and participating in something with other people.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it has been an interesting blogging challenge and that you have some great plans ahead of you.
