Today's mantra: You get what you give
I have always believed that with anything you only get out what you put in. And I'm sure I've discussed this numerous times throughout different blog posts.
With work, you only get out what you put in. Not sure if this always applies. As I find at times that you can put so much in without any result. But as I think about this a bit more, there will always be someone who uses the library that appreciates the work you do - sometimes it's not even the tasks or projects you do that take a long time that they appreciate - many times it's the little things you do all the time that are appreciated the most.
With exercise, it's not really about how hard you work but it's the consistency. If you are willing to be consistent then you will see results. Obviously at times you will benefit by upping the ante or pushing yourself out of the comfort zone, but ultimately it's about consistency. And in winter that becomes harder. I'm not a big fan of the cold.
As I mentioned in my first #blogjune post, I am currently training for the Gold Coast Airport Marathon. I started training back in the last 2 weeks of February. So it has been a long journey. It takes a commitment more than I thought. I was going well until mid May when I started having a niggle in my right hip flexor. It caused me to cut back distance a bit and call on mental strength to push through to get to 30km last weekend.
It is frustrating as I have been having physio but the niggle is still there. I have been stretching, taking note of my running form and using electro magnetic pulsing - but the niggle is still there.
I know others that have run the marathon with injury but it would be nice to be going into the race feeling good and not worrying if the niggle is going to flare up during the race to the point that you can only hobble.
I have no doubt - ok as I write this I do have doubt but I am hoping mental strength and my body will hold up to get me over the finish line. Once done, I am then going to focus on running shorter distances as I believe that my body is not designed to run further than half marathon distance (21.1k as opposed to full marathon distance of 42.2k). I hope that once I've done the marathon, that my niggle will disappear and I will once again run without worry.
I will keep you posted...
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