Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Finally, the final installment of the #blog12daysxmas has finally arrived. Sorry for the delay but I have been in Qld for the last week and my tablet would not let me type in blogger - will have to sort that out.

In this post I'm going to focus on appreciation because most of my other posts have been focusing on negatives, so now for some positives.

After visiting Qld and experiencing the wonderful 35-42'C temperatures - I appreciate being home where today brings us a top of 25'C. It didn't take me long to appreciate where I live after being in Qld a week. I know that there had been some nice cooler temperatures before I arrived but it didn't take long for me to remember the constant sweat of the Qld summer. I used to love it but I must be climatising!! 8-)

It was great to catch up with my family and good friends and I appreciate that they took the time out from their regular routines to make time for me. I wish they could all relocate here but seeing them so few times a year makes me appreciate them more!!

This time last year I was in Qld and I was "stuck" due to the floods. I remember feeling helpless as I wasn't able to assist anyone and I was more concerned with getting home to my husband then hanging around during the clean up. Watching people talking about how their homes and loved ones were washed away made me appreciate my family and friends even more. While it floods often here, the flooding in Qld was much different.

You may have heard about the terrible accident that happened in Urunga while I was in Qld. A B double truck ran into a ute and some houses and killed 2 people, one of them an 11 yr old boy who was on holidays from Sydney. I can not begin to fatham how their loved ones feel but again it makes me appreciate what I've got.

Those of you who are mums/dads will understand when I say that you can spend a lot of time imagining the worst things that could happen to your child(ren). It tears you up and you want to lock them inside and not let them do anything. The fear grips you. But you must let go and let them experience life - including the times where they may experience hurt and pain. I appreciate that so far life has been kind to me and has not let anything bad happen to my child nor my family.

There are many many other things that I appreciate but I will finish by saying that I appreciate those that have taken the time to read my #blog12daysxmas and I hope that my motivation continues throughout the year to continue to blog.

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