Monday, January 30, 2012

Social vs Private

I came across an interesting "tweet" concerning how I had revealed where I work in my previous blog post and whether this requires permission from my organisation/employer and whether this is something that should be done.

I'd like to hear other's comments on this topic.

Most people know where I work - it's not hard to find out if you do a google search.

When I blog I realise that this is going out to the world to see - so I'm careful with what I post.

I just feel that to participate in the Library Day in the Life it would be better if I set the scene of where I worked to assist in explaining some of the tasks I may be doing.

However, I am interested in hearing others views on this topic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon
    I'm careful with what I post too, but haven't necessarily put my work organisation 'out there'. I work for an organisation that doesn't yet use social media so from that perspective until we are more open I think I'll refrain from putting the library name in the public domain.
    I think it's great that we let the community know what we do - they only see a part of it - but it's also a great tool to help mentor others and to give other librarians an insight into the plethora of different roles we all do.
