Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Work Life Balance

http://shewgirl.blogspot.com/ got me started thinking about work life balance. While her blog post focused on web 2.0 tools and how they can help organise/disorganise your life - mine is probably more focused on balancing family time with work commitments.

I have constantly struggled with this. I was studying when it was decided (not really that harsh but probably something that had to happen) that we should have a child. I wanted to wait till I had finished but yes in reality there probably would always be some excuse for putting it off. I'm not sure what I was scared of or why I really wanted to wait but as it happened it didn't take long to get pregnant so I continued studying with young child. Perhaps it was a lesson in time management.

I had 12 wonderful months with my little miss but I missed my professional life. Was I wrong in missing it? Was I guilty about wanting to go back to work and not stay at home with a little one? Hell yes but the longer I was away from work the more behind I was feeling. Sure I was staying up to date with things the best I could - reading professional journals, participating in email discussions, blogging, researching, writing conference papers - but I was not interacting with people as a professional. I was interacting with other professionals but I wasn't doing what I love to do - help people find what they are looking for.

So going back to work was a great relief to me - yes it killed me putting my little miss in care and there were days when I just wanted to be at home with her. But the absolute joy of being back in a library as a professional just made me feel human again.

However, I used to be a great attender of networking/professional events. Having a child makes that a little more difficult - you can't always bring them along and you can't always expect your partner to take up the babysitting role.

Email interaction can only satisify so much of the need. I was missing that connection. Now moving to a regional area I miss it even more because the opportunity for networking opportunities is not as abundant as in metropolitan areas.

I have often thought of returning to study - but I miss spending time with my family. Working full time and often coming home and not wanting to do much more than read a book - does not equal quality family time. How do you balance it?

I'm in no way upset with my partner - if the tables were turned I'm not sure how accommodating I would be - I've been lucky enough to spend days away at conferences and catch really early flights and really late flights home with him taking on the family duties. But it is really hard when you want to participate professionally but don't want to impact on family time.

I often resort to times like this - it's late (I'm not a night person) and I'm here blogging when the family is asleep. Otherwise I get up really early and do the same. But there are times when I want to do things that may mean staying back after work or sacrificing weekends where I feel too damned guilty to take it on.

I'd love others to share ways that they have remained professionally active but still maintained the family balance.


  1. Having kids AND living in a regional area makes it near on impossible. I struggle! You can invest time online etc. but for me can't be the good old fashion face to face. That's where the best interaction, networking and life long contacts takes place. It's very tough! Mother's guilt...

  2. your blog is nice written, we always searching for the best blog & articles that can provide us the best information. Thanks for sharing and also check out my site to read top stories. Work-Life Balance
