I love looking at libraries. When I go on holidays or drives to places I haven't been, I will often drag my poor family around to look at libraries. Then I embarrass them further by taking lots and lots of photos. I'm sure I'm not the only library professional that does this.
I am lucky enough to have seen a large number of libraries since starting my current job 3 years ago. In fact I have seen far more of NSW and its libraries than I have Qld, where I grew up and spent 30 odd years of my life.
The libraries I manage vary a great deal. Where I am based the most is a new library which opened just when I took on the role so I have been spoilt by having a brand new library to work in. It is small but we only serve a small population. The other 2 branch libraries are a little older and have interesting layouts. I am going to try to put some links to photos up here but it may or may not work. My branch library, one other branch library, and the other. There have been some minor changes made to the other branch libraries with some new lounges and mats but otherwise they are pretty much the same.
I have a limited equipment budget that I try to spend each year on things to make the other branch libraries function and look better. But I am sure there are ways I can work with what I have to make them have greater appeal. That said, the community has never complained about the buildings, other than to remark that they could be bigger. Most will say they love their branch libraries and they feel comfortable. However, we are running out of space - there is only so much weeding one person can do (I am the only professionally qualified staff member in my libraries). I hate to say it but even in the new library shelf space is becoming an issue.
So I put it out there for others to share their ideas of how they have worked with what they have? Or how they have approached getting funding for refurbishing etc?
I was going to share more photos but am having internet connection and blogger issues so let me know if you'd like to see some and I can share with you via email.
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