Thursday, March 1, 2012


"And now we're grown up orphans
And never knew their names
We don't belong to no one
That's a shame
But you could hide beside me
Maybe for a while
And I won't tell no one your name
And I won't tell 'em your name"

I don't know if it is the heat that is keeping me awake or the excitement that I will be seeing my brother and some of his family tomorrow. I haven't seen them for over two years!! Maybe it's a combination of both - and perhaps it's because this blog post has been floating around in my head for days.

You will note that I started this post with the lyrics from one of my favourite songs - Name by Goo Goo Dolls. And while the song is a little bit on the sad side, the theme of this blog post is not sad. It's all about names!!

When I worked for larger institutions, I found that there were a few regular library users who I would get to know their names and take pride in using their names when I served them. I think it makes the user feel a little bit special that you know them by name. Of course, there is always a bit of an awkward moment when you are unsure if you should refer to them as Mr, Mrs or Miss so and so or just by their first name, but once that's worked out then calling them by name usually results in a nice little smile appearing on their face. Like you've made a difference to their day! Well that's what I like to think!

Now I work in a small library I can honestly say that I know the name of 90% of the people that walk through the door. Sure I have my days when their name might escape me but you can always "cheat" a little by checking the returns list or waiting for them to hand you their library card!! What other ways do you "cheat"? Yes I know I won't be the only one who does have their secret ways of remembering names.

I once had another librarian visit my library and they commented on how I spoke to everyone who came into the library by name and how good they thought that was. I was a bit surprised as I thought that is what most of us strive to do - am I wrong??

There are a few people who I get stuck with their name. I was very proud today when a regular came in and I said her name to her quietly and she said my name back - we were both proud we had remembered the others name - although I did have a name badge on!! 8-)

So do you make it a goal to remember everyone's name and call them by name when they come into your library? What are your secrets to remember people's names? Do you feel special when your regular library, cafe or shop staff person remembers your name and uses it?

"I think about you all the time
But I don't need the same
It's lonely where you are
Come back down
And I won't tell 'em your name."

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Great post. Like you I "cheat" lots (name badges, check ins etc). We also have a print out of students names and profile pics so that helps :)
